1. Requesting signature sheets
A voter’s initiative may, after the final and binding verification of the question, be signed on the signature sheet issued by the NEC. The NEC features the question proposed for referendum on the signature sheets and attaches a specific individual serial number to each sheet. This renders the signature sheet specific and identifiable, which cannot be copied or counterfeited.
Request for sheets must be submitted by the organiser, specifying the exact number of sheets required for the collection of signatures. The organiser is advised to submit his or her request for signature sheets immediately when the decision on the verification of the question becomes final and binding. The NEC will issue the requested sheets immediately, but within a maximum of five days.
The organiser can, at any time during the period for collecting the signatures, request additional signature sheets.
Separate signature sheets are to be signed by voters having personal identification codes and by voters without personal identification codes. Signatures attached in breach of this requirement will be invalidated.
2. Collection of signatures
Signatures may be collected for 120 days after receipt of the sheets.
a) The voter signing the sheet
Any Hungarian citizen of age, who has not been disfranchised by the court from exercising his or her voting right and has an address of residence in Hungary or does not have one but has been entered in the central registry at his or her request, may support a national referendum initiative, by attaching his or her signature.
The following details of the voter must be entered in the signature sheet:
- family name and surname, in a legible form,
- personal identification code or
- in the case of a voter without a personal identification code, the number of the certificate of his or her Hungarian citizenship (passport, certificate of naturalisation or certificate of citizenship), and
- mother’s name at birth.
Moreover, the voter must sign the signature sheet in his or her own hand.
It is important that voters enter their data correctly because only signatures whose data in the sheet correspond to those held in the central registry can be accepted as valid when they are verified. This rule is applied in order to ensure the lawfulness of the referendum: matching data prove that the initiative was actually signed by the person authorised to do so.
A voter may give his or her support to an initiative by one signature only: any further signature of the same voter will be invalid.
b) The person collecting signatures
Anyone with a personal identification code or a certificate of Hungarian citizenship (valid ID card, passport and driving licence issued by Hungarian authorities) may collect signatures.
The individual collecting signatures must also enter the following details in the signature sheet:
- name and
- personal identification code or
- number of his or her certificate of Hungarian citizenship, and
- signature.
It is very important that the individual collecting signatures enters his or her data correctly in the signature sheet because if the required data are not correct or complete, all of the signatures of support on the same sheet will be invalidated.
3. The location of signature collection
Signatures may be collected anywhere without harassing voters, with the following exceptions. No signature may be collected
- during working hours, at the workplace of the person collecting or providing the signature, while fulfilling obligations to perform work,
- from persons in service in the Hungarian Armed Forces or in a central administration body at their service post or while they are performing their duty,
- on means of public transport,
- on the official premises of state, local governments and minority self-government bodies,
- on the premises of healthcare providers,
- in higher education and public education institutions.
The above restriction is applied in order to rule out any influence on voters decision on whether or not to sign the sheet, by excluding locations where the voter requested to sign may be vulnerable against the one collecting signatures.
4. Voluntary signature
Neither money, no any other benefit may be given or promised to the voter in exchange for his or her signature, and the voter must not ask for or accept money or any other benefit, or the promise of such, for his or her signature.
The provision of remuneration for the persons collecting signatures by the organiser, for the collection of signatures, is not prohibited.
5. Suspension of the collection of signatures
The collection of signatures is suspended during between the fortieth day before and after the day of the general election of
- Members of Parliament,
- Members of the European Parliament,
- local government representatives and mayors, and representatives of national minority governments
If the organiser does not finish the collection of signatures by the fortieth day preceding the day of an election, he or she must submit to the NEO all of the signature sheets requested (those containing the signatures collected by such time and those without any signature yet) by the thirty ninth day preceding the election date at the latest. If the organiser fails to fulfil this obligation the NEC will charge a fine ex officio, in an amount of HUF 1000 for each signature sheet not submitted. Another legal consequence of failing to meet the deadline in addition to being fined is invalidation of the signatures contained in the sheets not submitted.
The collection of signatures may be continued on the fortieth day following the election day, when the NEO issues the organiser with new signature sheets.
6. If signatures are being collected for multiple referendum questions on the same subject
No further signature sheets may be provided for the organiser and the ones already issued must be handed over to the NEO if
- the NEC’s has established, by its final and binding resolution, that the number of valid signatures collected to back another question on the same subject, already submitted and validated, has reached at least two hundred thousand, or
- the National Assembly has already ordered, by a final and binding resolution, a referendum on the same subject on the basis of the initiative of the President of the Republic, the Government or a voters’ initiative with one hundred thousand valid signatures.
7. Submission of the signature sheets
The signature sheets issued by the NEO shall be submitted by the organiser (or the person authorised by the organiser) to the NEO within 120 days of receipt, on one occasion, when – not later than at 4.00 p.m. on the 120th day – all of the signature sheets taken over by the organiser, that is, the signature sheets
- with signatures and
- those without signatures
must equally be submitted to the NEO. If the organiser fails to do so, the NEO will charge it a fine of HUF 1000 per sheet. No excuse shall be accepted for the organiser’s failure to meet the deadline.
If the organiser submits the signatures he or she has collected earlier than the 120th day, he or she may submit the remaining sheets within the 120-day time limit. Since the sheets issued by the NEO may only be submitted once, the signatures on the remaining sheets, if any, cannot be verified and will thus be invalid, but in this way the organiser will not be fined.
Upon the submission of the signature sheets a declaration must be made concerning the number of signatures or the number of signature sheets being submitted.
The signature sheets taken over by the organiser shall be submitted even if the organiser failed to collect the necessary number of signatures or has decided not to request the ordering of a referendum.