By-elections held in twenty-five municipalities

Twenty-five municipalities will hold by-elections from August, most of which have had to be called because of a tie or a lack of candidates.

Budapest, 16 July 2024 - Following the election of local government representatives and mayors on 9 June 2024 and the election of minority self-governments, by-elections have been called in a total of twenty-five settlements. In the majority of cases, by-elections have to be held because of a tie in the June elections, but there are also municipalities where by-elections are held because of the absence of a candidate, the inconclusive nature of the election or resignations.

Pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Article 8 of Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure, by-elections shall be called within one hundred and twenty days from the day of the election when the seat becomes vacant or, if the election was inconclusive or could not be held due to the absence of sufficient candidates, from the day of the election.

By-elections for the representatives of municipal governments and the mayor are called by the local election commission, and by-elections for the county assembly and the capital city assembly and the mayor of the capital are called by the regional election commission.

The local election commission shall call the by-election of the representatives of the settlement minority self-government, the regional election commission shall call the by-election of the representatives of the regional minority self-government, and the National Election Commision shall call the by-election of the representatives of the national minority self-government.

Absentee voting is not possible at by-elections, unless the voter's place of residence and place of abode are in the same constituency.

In by-elections, a voter who has his/her domicile or residence in the constituency where he/she was last entered in the electoral roll on the day of the general or by-election of local government representatives and mayors may be entered in the electoral roll only in the same constituency.

A voter may be entered in the electoral district register as a minority voter in the settlement where he/she is entered in the electoral district register for the election of local government representatives and mayors or, in the case of by-elections, may be entered in the electoral district register.

In by-elections, the election commission responsible for registering the candidate or list shall register the nominating organisation.

The list of by-elections is available on our website by clicking here.

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