FAQ 2022 parl - National Election Office
- I. General information: legal background, budget
When are the parliamentary elections?
- Voting day 3 April 2022.
- The President of the Republic set the date for the elections on 11 January 2022.
Has the legislation changed or are we choosing based on the 2018 legislation?
- Electoral legislation has changed in some places in recent years.
- The deadline for re-registration has been changed to the -9th day, i.e. until 16:00 on 25 March 2022, the Friday of the week before the week of the vote, if someone wishes to vote at a place other than their place of residence. This is also the deadline for registering to vote abroad.
- In the 2022 parliamentary elections, only parties that have put up independent candidates in at least fourteen counties and in at least 71 single-member constituencies in Budapest will be allowed to put up a national list.
- The required number of members of the ballot counting committees shall be elected by the body of representatives of the local government of the settlement, and the head of the local election office (notary) shall propose their appointment. The members of the ballot counting committee are not elected to a specific PEC, but must be elected at the municipal level. The decision of the body of representatives on the members of the Electoral Commission can be found on the website of the municipality. The head of the PEC allocates the members to a given PEC before the vote.
Who has the right to vote?
- According to the Fundamental Law of Hungary, every Hungarian citizen of legal age (i.e. who has reached the age of 18 or married before reaching the age of 18) has the right to vote and stand for election to Parliament.
- A person who is disqualified from voting because of the commission of a criminal offence or because of lack of capacity to exercise discernment is disqualified from voting.
Who are the international observers?
- An observer from another state or international organisation registered by the National Election Office to observe the elections.
- The observer may follow the entire electoral process, be present at the work of electoral bodies, inspect the documents of electoral committees, ask questions to members of electoral bodies and draw their attention to any anomalies he/she may observe.
How much does it cost to organise the election?
- The total cost of the elections due in 2022, which will be held together with the referendum, is estimated to be around HUF 20.72 billion.
- II. Before the election: notification, nomination of candidates
When will I receive a notification of where I can vote?
- From 27 January 2022, the National Election Office will send out the notification of the voter's entry in the electoral roll, in which constituency and polling station he/she may vote. The notification will also indicate whether the voter qualifies as a nationality voter. The notification must be received by 11 February 2022 at the latest.
What to do if someone has not received the notification?
- If the voter does not receive the notification, it is destroyed or lost, he/she can request a new notification from the local election office (the notary). The request can be made in person, by letter or electronically (even by e-mail). The local electoral office prints out and delivers or mails the notice to the voter.
When does the election campaign start?
- The campaign period starts on 12 February 2022 and runs until 19:00 on 3 April 2022, the day of the vote.
How does the candidate recommendation work?
- Applications can be submitted between 12 February 2022 and 25 February 2022 at 16:00.
- Each voter can recommend a candidate for an individual constituency in the constituency of his/her residence by filling in and signing the recommendation form.
- A voter can recommend more than one candidate, but a candidate can only be supported by one recommendation. A recommendation cannot be withdrawn.
- To be a successful candidate, 500 valid recommendations are required.
- During the nomination period, voters can ask the parliamentary single mandate constituency election office (notary) responsible for their address whether the verified offers included their data. It is important to note that the recommendations submitted by a candidate are checked until 500 valid recommendations are found.
Where can recommendations not be collected?
- It may not be collected at the workplace, government offices, the Hungarian Defence Forces, public transport, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, surgeries, or on private property open to public use without the prior written consent of the owner.
Do I have to fill in the recommendation form myself?
- No, another person can enter the details of the proposing voter.
- However, the recommendation form is only valid if the recommending voter signs it in person.
Which organisations can put forward a national list for the parliamentary elections?
- National lists can be drawn up by the following organisations:
- the parties, if they have nominated individual candidates in at least fourteen counties and in at least 71 single mandate constituencies in Budapest,
- the national minority self-governments.
- III. Nationalities in the election
What is nationality registration?
- Anyone belonging to a national minority community may request to be entered on the electoral roll as a national minority voter in the parliamentary elections. The voter will also be able to vote in the national minority municipal elections.
- Voters registered as nationalities in the parliamentary elections
- if you did not request, when submitting your nationality registration, that your nationality registration should also apply to the parliamentary elections, you vote in the same way as non-nationality voters, i.e. for an individual candidate and the national party list, or
- if, when submitting the nationality registration, he/she expressly requests that his/her nationality registration be extended to the parliamentary elections, he/she may vote for a nationality list instead of a party list and for an individual candidate in addition to the party list.
- With the national list, nationalities can obtain a preferential mandate in the National Assembly.
- The 13 nationalities recognised are: Bulgarian, Croatian, German, Greek, Armenian, Polish, Romanian, Ruthenian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Ukrainian and Polish.
- If you have applied for nationality registration before (for example, before the 2014 or 2018 elections), your application is valid until it is withdrawn, and you do not need to submit a new application. Information on this will also be included in the Notification.
- If you register as a national voter for the parliamentary elections, the national self-government of your nationality will receive your name and address to help it collect recommendations. The nationality municipality may only use your data for the purpose of collecting recommendations.
- If you do not wish to receive personalised campaign material from the national government, you can opt out of having your data disclosed for this purpose.
How does the nationality recommendation work?
- In the parliamentary elections, the national minority municipalities must also collect recommendations for the national minority list.
- A nationality list can be established if the number of recommendations reaches one percent of the number of voters listed as nationalities in the electoral roll, but not more than 1500.
- In order to facilitate the collection of recommendations, your name and address will be sent to the national government of your nationality.
If a voter wants to vote for a nationality list in the parliamentary elections and has applied for nationality registration, but there is no nationality list for that nationality, how can the voter vote?
- In this case, the voter can automatically vote for the party list (in addition to the individual candidate) instead of the national list.
- IV. Election Day, 3 April 2022.
Is there a campaign silence on polling day?
- The election campaign period runs from the 50th day before the day of voting until the end of voting on the day of voting, i.e. until 7 p.m. on 3 April.
- There is no campaign silence, but on polling day:
- no election meeting can be held,
- no campaigning of any kind is allowed within 150 metres of the entrance to the polling station (in public space),
- there shall be no public call for applications for a mobility belt or for transport to the polling station, and no bus transport to the polling station shall be provided,
- political advertising on television and radio is not allowed,
- the legislation on the use of public space does not apply to campaigning activities in public space open to pedestrian traffic for the purpose of personal communication with voters, if the public space used for this purpose does not exceed four square metres.
- Previously displayed campaign materials (e.g. posters) do not have to be removed until 30 days after the election.
Under what conditions can a poll be conducted on polling day?
- On polling day, the poll worker may not enter the building where the polling station is located, may not harass voters in any way, and may only question those leaving the building.
- The results of the poll, based on a survey of voters leaving the polling station, should only be made public after the poll has been completed.
What are the conditions for voting?
- Voters who are on the electoral roll may vote at the polling station.
- Voters must provide proof of identity (a valid identity card, passport or driving licence) and proof of address or personal identification (e.g. an address card).
- After the above, the voter receives the stamped ballot papers, and confirms receipt by signing the register.
Can I vote with expired documents?
- Persons with expired documents are not allowed to vote and must be rejected by the electoral commission.
- Voting is not possible even if the voter is known personally to the member or members of the committee and is on the electoral roll.
- It is therefore important that voters check the validity of their documents before polling day and ensure that they obtain valid documents in good time.
- The emergency regulations contain the following provisions:
- Your identity card, driving licence or passport is VALID if it has an expiry date:
- Between 11 March 2020 and 3 July 2020 (including documents expiring on 11 March and 3 July 2020)
- on or after 4 November 2020
- ID card, driving licence or passport, if valid for a certain period of time:
- Before 11 March 2020
- Between 4 July 2020 and 3 November 2020 (including documents that expired on 4 July and 3 November 2020)
- Your identity card, driving licence or passport is VALID if it has an expiry date:
When can I vote?
- • You can vote between 6am and 7pm on 3 April.
What happens if I'm still queuing after 7pm on polling day? Can I not cast my vote?
- • Voters queuing at 19:00 can still vote.
- • You cannot queue after 19:00.
How do I cast my vote?
- • Valid votes can only be cast for the candidate or list on the ballot paper.
- • Only one of the listed candidates or lists may be elected, in the case of more than one choice the vote will be invalid.
- • To vote validly, you can write two intersecting lines (X or +) in pen in the circle next to the name of the candidate or above the name of the list.
- • After filling in the ballot paper, it must be placed in an envelope and the envelope must be dropped into the ballot box. Placing the ballot paper in an envelope is not compulsory for domestic voting, except for re-registration.
- • A voter who has re-registered and who votes at a representation abroad places the ballot paper in a green envelope and seals it after filling it in, and then puts it in the ballot box. Only the ballot paper in the sealed envelope is valid.
- • The voter will receive a green envelope if he/she re-registers.
Is it possible to replace the ballot paper in case of spoilage?
- • If the voter indicates before throwing the ballot paper into the ballot box that he/she has made a mistake, the ballot counting committee shall withdraw the ballot paper, place it in a special envelope and issue a new ballot paper in place of the ruined ballot paper.
- • A voter can only request a new ballot paper once after having made a mistake.
Is the ballot paper valid if the ballot paper is not stamped?
- • No, a ballot paper which does not bear the official stamp is invalid.
Is a vote valid if it is not in an envelope?
- • Yes. When voting at a domestic polling station, except for re-registration, the use of an envelope is not compulsory.
Which polling stations can I vote in?
- • The election notice sent by post will include the exact address of the polling station.
- V. Election administration
My name has changed, how can I vote?
- The name change is automatically transferred to the central register during the administrative process. You can apply for your new identity documents at the government office.
- In order to participate in the elections, your personal documents (identity card, driving licence and address card) must contain the data from the central register, so we recommend that you apply for new documents before the elections if you have not already done so.
- If, due to delays in the administration of the procedure, on the day of voting, one of your documents (e.g. address card) already contains your new name, while the other still contains your old name, the ballot counting committee will establish your identity on the basis of the other data contained in the documents.
- The Electoral Commission will do the same if you do not apply for new documents by election day and use your old documents to prove your identity. It will make identification easier if you bring your marriage certificate confirming the change of name with you to the polling station.
I live with a disability. What help can I get?
- A voter with a disability can request the following assistance from the election office to exercise their right to vote:
- Braille notification, which the voter may request by 4:00 p.m. on 25 January 2022;
- sending of information material in a simplified form, which can be requested until the 68th day before the election, 25 January 2022;
- The use of a Braille ballot paper at the polling station and during the ballot box, which voters can request until 25 March 2022;
- the use of an accessible polling station, for which an application may be submitted until 30 March 2022.
- After the election is called, you can request a ballot box from 27 January 2022 until 12 noon on polling day.
- When voting, you may be assisted in filling in the ballot paper by an assistant of your choice or, if no such person is present, by two members of the ballot counting committee.
How can homeless people vote?
- If the homeless person has a municipal address, he or she can vote at a designated polling station in that municipality. You can find out more about this from the local election office in your municipality.
- If the homeless person has no address at the municipal level, or if the address in the address register is a fictitious one, he/she must apply for registration - either at any local election office or at the National Election Office (at local election offices in person or by mail, at the National Election Office by mail or on-line).
How and when can I re-register to another polling station during the parliamentary elections?
- Applications for re-registration may be submitted by those who intend to vote in Hungary on polling day but at a place other than their place of residence and who are on the electoral register of the polling district.
- The application can be made at the local election office of the voter's place of residence (or, if in person, at the local election office of the place of registered residence) or electronically. The application for re-registration may be submitted from 27 January 2022 and must be received by the local electoral office no later than 16.00 on the 9th day before the vote, 25 March 2022. The head of the local electoral office (i.e. the notary) will enter the voter directly on the electoral roll of the polling station concerned.
- It is important to note that you can also vote for the candidates of your place of residence when you re-register!
Who can apply for a mobile ballot box and how?
- Voters who cannot go to the polling station can request a ballot box:
- because of their health condition (or disability),
- or detention, but are on the electoral roll.
- Anyone requesting a ballot box for other reasons (e.g. for convenience or work) will have their request rejected by the local election office or the ballot counting committee.
- In the case of voting by ballot box, two members of the ballot counting committee shall visit the voter at the address he/she has given (e.g. in hospital) on the day of voting.
- The application for a mobile ballot box
- to the local election office (notary)
- by post or, without the need to identify yourself as a log-in user, online, no later than 4 p.m. on 30 March, the 4th day before the vote,
- in person by 4 p.m. on the 2nd day before the vote, 1 April, or
- by using the Internet by 12 noon on polling day,
- by delivery to the relevant ESC by proxy or by a person not holding a proxy, no later than 12 noon on the day of the vote
- to the local election office (notary)
must be submitted.
- If the voter is staying in a settlement other than his/her place of residence - or in the same settlement but in the territory of another polling district - on the day of voting, he/she may also apply for a ballot box at this address. In this case, if he/she has not previously applied for a transfer, the application for a mobile ballot box is also an application for a transfer.
- It is important to note that those who have requested a ballot box cannot vote in the polling station in the "traditional" way, only with a ballot box!
- A voter who has submitted both an application for re-registration and a request for a mobile ballot box shall, in case of withdrawal of his/her application for a mobile ballot box, be entered in the electoral roll of the polling station where he/she has re-registered, unless he/she declares otherwise.
- In the event of withdrawal of the application for a mobile ballot paper, the voter shall be entered in the electoral roll of the polling station of his/her address, unless he/she declares otherwise.
Will my personal data be released to the parties?
- Candidates and political parties can obtain the names and addresses of registered voters for direct political campaigning purposes for money. However, it is possible for a voter to prohibit the disclosure of his or her data for campaign purposes. A request to prohibit the disclosure of data can be made by the voter in person, by post or here at the local election office of the voter's address in Hungary. To submit a request by mail, you can download the form here.
- If you have already applied for a data ban before (for example, before the 2014 or 2018 elections), your request is valid until revoked, and you do not need to submit a new request.
- The parties and candidates can receive the data at the earliest when they are entered in the final register, which is 16 February 2022.
- The parties must destroy the data received when providing the information no later than the day of the vote.
- The electoral office does not collect phone numbers, so they are not given to the nominating organisations.
- VI. Electoral bodies, lodging objections
What are the electoral bodies?
- There are two types of electoral body: the electoral office and the electoral commission.
- The tasks of electoral offices:
- preparing the elections,
- organising,
- to carry out,
- information,
- data management.
- The tasks of election committees:
- the determination of the election result,
- ensuring the fairness and legitimacy of elections,
- impartiality,
- restoring law and order where necessary.
What electoral bodies are in operation during parliamentary elections?
- For the parliamentary elections, the following electoral offices are operational:
- local election office
- parliamentary single mandate constituency election office
- regional election office
- election office at the foreign representation
- National Election Office
- The following electoral commissions operate in parliamentary elections:
- ballot counting committee (in single-member settlements, the local election committee acts instead)
- parliamentary single mandate constituency electoral committee,
- regional electoral commission,
- National Electoral Commission.
What is the National Election Office and what is its role?
- The National Election Office (NEC) is an autonomous public administration. It is independent, subject only to the law, cannot be instructed in its functions, and performs its tasks separately from other bodies, free from influence.
- The main tasks of the National Election Office are the preparation and conduct of elections, and the provision of information to voters and candidates.
What is the National Election Commission and what is its role?
- The primary task of the National Election Committee (NEC) is to establish the results of the elections, ensure the fairness and legality of the elections, enforce impartiality and, if necessary, restore the legal order of the elections.
- In addition, it decides on the registration of nominating organisations, on the determination of the duration of the publication of political advertisements of those entitled to do so in the linear media service of the public service media provider, on objections to the activities of the election office of the foreign representation, and on all objections that do not fall within the competence of the parliamentary single mandate constituency election committee or the regional election committee and the place of their commission cannot be determined. It shall decide on appeals against decisions of the parliamentary single mandate constituency election committee or regional election committee, with the exception of appeals against decisions relating to the registration of individual candidates and against fines imposed for failure to submit a recommendation form, and on appeals relating to the participation of media service providers and the press or cinemas in the election campaign. In the event of a violation of the law of which it becomes aware, it shall initiate the decision of the competent body.
- The National Electoral Committee registers the observer at the foreign representation.
- Supervises the counting of votes cast by post by the NEC, determines the result of the count, and determines the result of the national list election.
- Publishes a statement on the national aggregate results of the elections.
- In connection with the national referendum conducted in a joint procedure with the parliamentary elections, it supervises the counting of votes cast by post and votes cast at foreign representations, determines the result of the referendum and publishes a statement on the result of the referendum.
Who are the members of the National Election Committee?
- The seven members and three alternates of the National Electoral Committee (NEC) are elected for a nine-year term by Parliament (by a two-thirds majority of the votes of the members present), on a proposal from the President of the Republic. The current members of the NEC were elected on 30 September 2013.
- In addition, political parties and national minority self-governments can delegate members to the National Election Committee as follows:
- from the moment their national list becomes legally binding until the inaugural session of the National Assembly, the parties that have nominated a national list may each delegate one member to the National Election Committee. National minority self-governments that have national lists of nationalities may also delegate a member to the National Election Committee, but these members may only vote on matters relating to nationality issues.
- the national referendum, which is held at the same time as the parliamentary elections, does not allow for any delegations.
There was an irregularity in the election. What can I do?
- In this case, an objection may be lodged with the competent election committee:
- to the parliamentary single mandate constituency election committee
- in the single constituency case,
- on a matter relating to what happened at the polling station,
- in the case of an irregularity committed by a regional, local or on-demand media service or a press product not distributed nationally (to the competent commission in the place where the media content provider is established or resides)
- the National Electoral Commission for all other matters.
- to the parliamentary single mandate constituency election committee
- The objection must include (otherwise it will be rejected)
- the indication of the infringement;
- evidence of the infringement (except in media cases);
- the name, address (registered office) and, if different from the address (registered office), the postal address of the objector;
- the personal identification number of the objector, or, if the voter living abroad and not having a Hungarian address does not have a personal identification number, the type and number of his/her official identity card, or, in the case of a nominating organisation or other organisation, the court registration number.
How many days do I have to object?
- The objection must be submitted in such a way that it reaches the competent election committee no later than within three days from the date of the violation of the law complained of.
- VII. Voting at a foreign representation: voting by voters having a Hungarian address but residing abroad on the day of voting
What can voters do who have a Hungarian address but want to vote outside Hungary do?
- Anyone who intends to exercise his/her right to vote abroad on the day of the election must apply for inclusion in the register of foreign representations from 27 January 2022, at the latest by 16:00 on 25 March 2022, the ninth day before the election, at the latest, from the head of the local election office (notary) of his/her place of residence in Hungary. The application may be submitted in person, by post, online at www.valasztas.hu on the website.
Can voters residing abroad but with a Hungarian address vote by post, or only at the representations abroad?
- Voters residing in Hungary and voting abroad can only vote at a Hungarian representation abroad, not by post.
Is it possible to change the place of voting abroad in the register of foreign representation?
- Voters entered in the register of foreign representations may change the designation of the foreign representation where they wish to vote no later than 4 p.m. on the ninth day before the vote, 25 March 2022.
Is it possible to ask to be removed from the register of foreign representations if the voter still wants to vote in the country?
- A voter entered in the register of voters at a foreign representation may request his/her removal from the register of voters at a foreign representation no later than 4 days before the voting, by 4 p.m. on 30 March 2022.
What redress do I have against a refusal to register in a foreign representation?
- Appeals may be submitted to the local election office no later than the third day after receipt of the notice (either electronically or by mail), but no later than 4 p.m. on 1 April 2022.
How do I know where to vote abroad?
- The contact details of Hungary's embassies and consulates general can be found here.
When is the vote in the foreign representation?
- The table below summarises the voting times at the representation offices:
geographical location
in the Americas
Western European or West African countries with a -1 or -2 time difference from the Central European (Hungarian) time zone
countries using the Central European (Hungarian) time zone or countries to the east of it
some countries (examples)
e.g. United States, Argentina, Canada
e.g. Ireland, Morocco, United Kingdom, Portugal
e.g. Australia, Austria, Belgium, South Africa, China, Germany, Romania, Switzerland, Serbia, South Africa
polling day
2 April 2022.
3 April 2022.
3 April 2022.
voting start time
6 hours local time
6 hours local time
6 hours local time
voting deadline
19:00 local time
19:00 Central European (Hungarian) time
19:00 local time
What are the specific features of voting in a foreign representation?
- Before voting at the polling station at the foreign representation, voters must prove their identity by presenting a valid Hungarian identity card, Hungarian passport or Hungarian driving licence, but unlike in the case of voting in Hungary, the presentation of an address card is not a condition for voting.
- When voting at a representation, the ballot papers must be placed in a green envelope and the envelope sealed; failure to do so will invalidate the vote. The envelope shall bear the number of the OEVK for which you voted as an individual candidate.
- Voting by ballot box is not possible in a representation.
- VIII. Postal vote: voting by voters not resident in Hungary
Can voters without a Hungarian address (Hungarians living abroad) participate in parliamentary elections?
- Yes. Under Article XXIII of the Fundamental Law of Hungary, every Hungarian citizen of legal age has the right to participate in
- parliamentary elections.
- Here you can see how many voters without a Hungarian address are on the central register.
Can only Hungarians living in the Carpathian Basin, Hungarians living abroad, or others also benefit from this opportunity?
- Any Hungarian voter can apply to be registered (i.e. register) if they do not have a Hungarian address.
- In other words, this is independent of the foreign country in which the Hungarian voter lives, and independent of whether the Hungarian voter has any other nationality than Hungarian.
How long can people who have not yet registered apply for electoral registration?
- Electoral registration is ongoing.
- At the same time, only Hungarian citizens from abroad may participate in the forthcoming elections if their electoral registration application reaches the National Election Office by 16:00 on 9 March 2022, the twenty-fifth day before the election.
Applying for electoral registration?
- The application can be submitted by post or online at www.valasztas.hu or, if you are registered as a registered user, by electronic identification at www.magyarorszag.hu on the website.
- To apply by post, download the electoral registration application form here.
- On the official website of the elections, you can find the information on registration in English
- The application can be printed in both colour and black and white, and can be freely photocopied.
- Requests submitted by post should be sent to the following address: National Election Office, 1397 Budapest, PO Box 547, Hungary.
In which cases can you request electoral registration?
- The condition for electoral registration is Hungarian citizenship.
- Entry on the register may be requested if the applicant
- is a Hungarian citizen and has
- Hungarian personal identification (on the back of the Hungarian address card), or
- a valid Hungarian passport
- or has reached the age of 17 or 16 and married, and the marriage has been registered in Hungary
- according to the Hungarian address register
- you are resident abroad,
- have neither a place of residence nor a registered place of abode in Hungary,
- is not on the address register,
- and has not been disqualified from voting by a Hungarian court.
- is a Hungarian citizen and has
- To be eligible to vote in the next elections, the voter's registration application must be received by the National Election Office by 4pm on 9 March 2022. Although Hungarian citizens over the age of 17 may apply for registration, only voters of legal age may vote.
- Whether a voter is registered or automatically entered in the electoral roll depends on whether he or she has a Hungarian domicile or residence according to the Hungarian address register. The table below provides guidance on this question:
place of residence
how to be entered in the register
Hungarian address
Hungarian address
Hungarian address
foreign address
Hungarian address
foreign address
none (living in Hungary)
Hungarian address
if you are not listed in the address register
For example, if a voter has a foreign address registered as a place of residence (shown on the address card), they must register to vote even if they have a Hungarian residence (line 3) and even if they do not (line 4).
You can also be entered in the register by registering if the register shows that the voter has neither a place of residence nor a place of abode in Hungary (line 6), or if he or she is not listed in the Hungarian address register (line 7).
Registration is not required if you have a Hungarian residence (lines 1 and 2) or if you have neither a Hungarian nor a foreign address registered in the address register, but your address card shows that you have a valid Hungarian residence (line 5). In these cases, you will be automatically entered in the register, so there is nothing to do.
- Anyone who registered before - or since - the 2014 general election will not have to reregister for 10 years.
Do you need to re-register if you did so before (or since) the 2014 general election?
- No. Hungarian citizens who do not have a Hungarian address and who registered before or since the 2014 parliamentary elections will still be included in the register of postal voters, i.e. they will not have to re-apply for registration.
- However, if your mailing address has changed since you registered, or if you request a different address for your ballot packet, or if your marital status or name has changed, you must submit a change request.
My family member died after registration, what should I do?
- If a relative of Hungarian nationality dies, you must report this to the nearest Hungarian consulate so that the necessary death registration can be carried out.
- Birth registration is free of charge.
How many people have already registered for the elections and what do you know about them?
- The National Election Office publishes the number of registered voters without Hungarian address on the official website of the elections, with daily updates.
- If you are registering from a country where dual citizenship is prohibited (Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine), you will see the "Total countries banning dual citizenship" in the notification address.
I am currently living abroad, I don't have a Hungarian address, but I will move to Hungary before the elections. Do I need to register now or will I be automatically entered on the register?
- If you establish a Hungarian address by 4 p.m. on 1 April 2022, the 2nd day before voting at the latest, you do not need to register, you will automatically be entered in the central register or the electoral district register. If you are registered and establish your address in Hungary by 16.00 on 27 March 2022, the 7th day before the election, you will receive two ballot papers and your postal vote (if you have cast it) will be invalidated. If you establish your Hungarian address between the 7th and the 2nd day (27 March and 1 April), you will receive one ballot paper for the single mandate constituency and you can vote for the list by post.
I registered earlier, but I live in Hungary now, how can I vote?
- If he/she has established a residence in Hungary - and has officially notified the change of address - by 27 March 2022, the seventh day before the vote at the latest, he/she will automatically be entered in the electoral register of the electoral district of his/her residence. In this case, he/she may vote in person at the polling station of his/her place of residence on polling day.
- Anyone who has been sent a postal voting package on the basis of their previous registration may vote only for an individual constituency candidate at the in-person poll. In this case, you may cast your list vote by returning the ballot paper sent to you by post.
How does a registered voter receive their voting packet?
- The National Election Office sends the voting mail package to the address (in Hungary or abroad) of the registered Hungarian voter who does not have a Hungarian address, which the voter indicated in the registration application.
- The voter may also request personal receipt of the voting package in the registration application instead of postal delivery, in which case from the fifteenth day before the voting, from 19 March to 2 April 2022, from 8.00 a.m. on working days 16.30 p.m., at the Representative Election Offices in Uzhhorod, Berehovo, Cluj-Napoca, Mykolaiv and Subotica on working days, on 19 and 26 March and on Saturday 2 April, and on 20 and 27 March from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
- on the day of voting, during the voting period, at the polling station at the polling station
- in the municipality of the seat of the single mandate parliamentary constituency,
- in designated border settlements in Hungary or
- In the designated diplomatic missions of Hungary.
I would like to receive my mail package somewhere other than in 2018, what should I do?
- The voter may change the address or notification address at which the ballot paper is to be received.
- This application, like the registration application, can also be completed and submitted by post or here. It is advisable to submit your application for an amendment by the 31st day before the election to ensure it is received by the deadline.
What is in the ballot pack?
- The ballot pack sent to the voter contains the following:
- the postal ballot paper (valid without a postmark),
- the voter identification form,
- the envelope for the ballot paper (small inner envelope),
- the reply envelope, addressed to the National Election Office, which can be posted free of charge (also from abroad),
- information on how to vote the ballot paper for the additional election by joint procedure.
- the strip of adhesive used to glue down the envelope.
What kind of ballot paper do postal voters receive?
- Postal voters can only vote for a national party list.
- They cannot vote for a national list or for a single-member constituency candidate.
What is the procedure for a postal vote?
- The procedure for a postal vote is as follows:
- the voter fills in the ballot paper,
- places the completed ballot paper in the small envelope inside,
- seals the inner envelope,
- completes and signs the identification form,
- encloses the inner envelope and the completed and signed declaration of identification in the large outer reply envelope or any other envelope and returns it to the National Electoral Office.
- The ballot paper shall be invalid if
- the reply envelope is not sealed,
- the reply envelope is missing the identification declaration or the inner envelope,
- there are several inner envelopes in the reply envelope for the same election,
- the inner envelope is not sealed,
- the declaration is incomplete or does not contain the voter's signature,
- the citizen is not on the register of postal voters,
- the voter has already cast a ballot paper,
- the voter's details on the identification form are different from those in the register,
- the reply envelope contains several statements of identification from different voters,
- the inner envelope contains several ballot papers,
- the ballot paper is late,
- the ballot paper is not filled in,
- the voter did not vote with a + or X on the ballot paper,
- on the ballot paper, the voter has voted for more than one party.
How can a registered voter return their postal voting packet?
- The ballot pack
- may be sent by post (free of charge); in this case, it must reach the National Election Office no later than 19:00 on 3 April,
- can be cast at any consulate in the two weeks before the vote, on working days between 9 am and 4 pm (the Consulates General in Berehovo, Chisinau, Cluj, Odesa and Uzhhorod have extended opening hours) or on the day of the vote,
- can be cast in Hungary at any parliamentary constituency election office between 6 am and 7 pm on 3 April (polling day).
How long is electoral registration valid?
- Hungarian citizens who do not have a Hungarian address remain on the electoral roll for 10 years from the date of registration.
- The 10-year period is automatically restarted when you request a change to your registration, request an extension of your registration or participate in an election (vote).
If you do not wish to participate in the elections, do you have to cancel your registration?
- Voters who do not have a Hungarian address and do not wish to participate in the elections have nothing to do: they do not have to return the postal voting packet they received, or go to the diplomatic mission or consular post to pick up their voting packet.
- A Hungarian citizen living abroad and not having a Hungarian address, who is entered in the register at his/her request, may request to be removed from the register at any time. In this case, the voter will not receive a postal voting package and will not be able to vote (but may re-register at any time).
- IX. Referendum "extras"
Will I receive a separate notification of the referendum?
- No. A joint notification is sent out for the parliamentary elections and the referendum, containing all the necessary information.
Will I be on a separate register for the referendum?
- No. There will be one register, but it must be signed in two places. There is a separate section for the referendum and a separate section for the parliamentary elections.
Do I have to vote in both elections?
- No. If you only want to vote in one of the elections, you can. In this case, you will only receive the ballot papers of your choice and you will only have to sign the register in one place.
Do I need to put the ballot papers in more than one envelope?
- No, both the parliamentary ballot paper and the referendum ballot paper must be put in the same envelope.
How many ballot papers will I receive with the four referendum questions.
- The four questions will be on one ballot paper.
Do I have to submit applications twice to cover both elections?
- No. Applications submitted will be considered by the electoral bodies for both elections.
- X. IT issues
What is Captcha, why do I need it on the site?
The origin of the word is "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". Captcha is therefore an automated computer test designed to distinguish real users from robots. The test involves performing a task that a human can do, but a machine presumably cannot (typing distorted text, ticking a checkbox, marking the frames of a cropped image to indicate which ones contain a particular object). In addition to benign robots that scan websites, there are also malicious robots that prowl websites for the purpose of damage and data theft - Captcha was developed to protect against these.Which browser can be used to fill in the applications?
We recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
Update browsers:
- Update Google Chrome
- Open Chrome on your computer.
- Click More in the
top right corner.
- Click Help
Google Chrome Contacts.
- Click Update Google Chrome. (Important: If you can't find this button, you're using the latest version.)
- Click Restart.
- Update Firefox
- In the menu, click on
, then from the Help menu, select Firefox Contacts.
- The Mozilla Firefox Contacts window opens. Firefox will check for updates and if an update is available, it will download it automatically by default.
- When the download is complete, click Restart to update Firefox
- In the menu, click on
- Update Microsoft Edge
- Open the Settings application using the Windows I key command
- Select Update and security.
- Make sure that Windows Update is selected.
- Click "Check for updates" to check for updates manually.
- Download all the aggregated updates offered.
- Tip: You can also download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player to make sure it is up to date.
I have encountered an IT error. How can I take a screenshot?
- On a desktop or laptop: press the "Print Screen" button on the keyboard (this button is usually located on the right side of the top row of keys, on some keyboards it is called PrtScr, PrtScn, Prnt Scr, Prt Scrn, Print Scrn, etc.). On laptops, if it is in a different colour, you will also need to press the Fn key.
- On an Android device: press the power button and the volume down button at the same time.
- On iPhone:
- On iPhone 13 and other models with Face ID support: press the side button and the volume up button at the same time
- On Touch ID-enabled iPhones with a side button: press the side button and the Home button at the same time
- On top button iPhones with Touch ID support: press the top button and the Home button at the same time.
Paste the copied image into the desired location (for example, a Word document using Ctrl+V.
I have detected an IT error, what do I need to write down so that my notification can be investigated?
In each case, provide the exact location where the error occurred (with a path and, if neces-sary, a name within the page), outline the circumstances of the error (where you clicked before you detected the error) and take a screenshot.
Is valasztas.hu safe?
Yes, the valasztas.hu site is secure. (How do I know if a site is using a secure connection? Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge)Is the application processor secure?
Yes, the request handler is secure. (How do I decide if a site is using a secure connection? Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge)Can I download the application on my mobile or tablet?
Yes, applications can be completed and submitted on mobile phones and tablets.Will I receive feedback on my online application?
The user will receive feedback on the submission of the following requests:- Requesting a mobile ballot box
- Re-registration within a constituency
- Registration in the register of foreign representations
The competent election office shall examine the applications received and notify the voter of the approval or rejection of the application in the manner indicated in the application. In the case of notification requested by email, the notification may be placed in the SPAM folder.
I don't have a Hungarian keyboard, what should I do?
The Election Assistant provides a virtual Hungarian keyboard that you can use to type in Hungarian text. The virtual keyboard is displayed by clicking on the icon.When I open a legal document, the valasztas.hu page switches to another page. Is it safe?
The links to legislation on the valasztas.hu site navigate to the National Legislation Repository, published by the Ministry of Justice, and the site is secure. - Update Google Chrome