Voting closes successfully

The 9 June elections to the European Parliament, local government and minority self-government, which will be held in a joint procedure, were a success. Voters could cast their votes at the designated polling stations between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. 59.26% of citizens eligible to vote cast their ballot.

Budapest, 9 June 2024 - The 9 June elections for the European Parliament, local self-government and minority self-government were successfully completed, with 59.26 percent of the 7.8 million voters, or more than 4.5 million voters, going to the polls.

The highest voter turnout was in Vas county, where voter turnout was above 63%, while in Bács-Kiskun county the turnout was only 54%.

In Budapest, the highest turnout was in the XII district, with more than 68 percent, while the lowest was in the VII district, where only 46 percent of the residents voted.

Voting ended in 147 of Hungary's missions abroad, with most voters applying to be registered in London, where 82% of registered voters cast their ballot, while Brasília and Canberra, among others, had 100% turnout, and Wellington had the lowest turnout. The return of the ballot boxes containing the votes cast in the missions has begun, with the last ballot boxes have to arrive to the National Electoral Office by 13 June. The turnout figures for voting at the representation offices are available here.

After the close of voting, the counting of postal votes began at the National Election Office. The NEO has so far received a total of around 5,000 postal votes, while 48,000 postal votes have been cast at the missions abroad. The opening of the outer envelopes of the postal votes and the verification of the identification declarations started earlier this week, and now the opening of the envelopes containing the postal votes and the processing of the votes has also started. For information on the results of the postal votes, click here.

The results of the local and minority elections have been processed and are available at For the European Parliament elections, the processing of votes received from the diplomatic missions and postal votes is still ongoing, so final results are expected within a few days.

The local election commissions are responsible for determining the results of the election of mayors, the election of individual lists and constituencies, and the election of minority self-governments. The regional election commissions determine the results of the elections for the county assembly and the regional minority self-government elections, while the results of the elections for the capital city assembly and the mayor of the capital are decided by the Capital City Election Commission. The National Election Commission determines the results of the national minority elections, as well as the results of the European Parliament elections. The NEC is obliged to establish the results of the European Parliament elections no later than the nineteenth day after the vote, i.e. by 28 June.

The inaugural session of the newly elected European Parliament will take place in Strasbourg on 16 July 2024. Elected MEPs are expected to take up their mandate in June.

According to the Constitution, the term of office of local government representatives and mayors elected in October 2019 or by-elections runs until October. Constituent meetings of local and national governments must be convened within 15 days of 1 October 2024, and mayors elected today will not take office until October. The municipalities that do not have a former mayor are an exception, as in these municipalities the mayors elected today will take office immediately after the results become final and the credentials are received.

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