The local election offices of Budapest districts have delivered the invalid ballot papers of the election of the Mayor of the capital to the NEO

In accordance with the decision of the National Election Commission recorded in the minutes of 12 June 2024, the President of the National Election Office (NEO) instructed the local election offices of Budapest districts to hand over the invalid ballot papers of the election of the Mayor of the capital in such a way that at least three members of the local election offices and the members of the local election commissions participate in the process.

Budapest, 13 June 2024 - In all cases, the district local election offices (LEOs) have informed the members of the local election commission of the time of the ballot box opening in due time, as instructed. The members of the local election commission (LEC), according to the information provided by the LEOs, did not exercise their right to be present at the event only in Budapest II, IX, XIII and XV districts. In the other 19 districts, the LEC members participated in the process of unpacking, re-packing and closing the ballot boxes.

In Óbuda polling district 106 of Budapest III. district, the members of the polling station commission did not bundle the invalid ballot papers separately, so in this case all the ballot papers of the Mayor of the capital were delivered to the NEO. These invalid ballot papers will be separated by the NEC during the recount.

The invalid ballots cast in the mayoral election arrived intact in a sealed envelope, signed at the seal, at the NEO, where they were locked up. The recount will begin at 9 a.m. on 14 June, in the presence of the press and international observers present at the elections, with the assistance of the NEO.

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