Reruns in eight municipalities, by-elections in eight others

Due to infringement of the law in the 9 June 2024 elections, voting will be repeated in several municipalities in early July. Six municipalities have decided to repeat the mayoral elections and two municipalities have decided to repeat the Roma municipal elections. Several by-elections will also take place, mainly due to a tie.

Budapest, 24 June 2024 - On 9 June 2024, the election of local government representatives and mayors, representatives of minority self-governments and Hungarian members of the European Parliament took place. However, the decisions of local election commissions (LECs) to determine the election results have been challenged in several municipalities, citing violations of the law during the elections, and requests for a rerun of some elections. The Territorial Election Commissions (TEC) and the Curia decided to repeat the vote in eight cases of appeals and judicial review requests against the election results.

The mayoral elections are expected to be repeated in the following six municipalities: Nemesdéd (Somogy county), Ricse (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county), Penészlek Nyírkáta, Ópályi polling station No. 2 (Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county) and Nagytarcsa polling station No. 4 (Pest county).

Pursuant to Article 7 of Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure, if the election commission or the court repeats the vote, it shall set the date of the repeat vote in its decision within thirty days of the date of the repeated vote. The repeat elections for all municipalities are set for 7 July 2024.

The same candidates will be on the ballot paper as in the original election, the nomination process will not be restarted, but candidates will have until 16:00 on the day before the vote, 6 July 2024, to withdraw their candidacy.

In the rerun, voters who are eligible to be registered in the electoral roll are:

- were on the electoral district electoral roll at the repeated election,

  • who were not included in the electoral district electoral roll at the repeated voting because they did not have the right to vote, but who will reach the age of majority on the day of the rerun at the latest or who will otherwise acquire the right to vote by the time the electoral roll closes.

No application for registration in the minority electoral roll or for absentee voting may be submitted for the rerun.

Anyone who has submitted an application for a mobile ballot box for the repeated election on 9 June 2024 by 10.00 a.m. on 7 June will be added to the list of those applying for a mobile ballot box for the rerun election. However, a new application for a mobile ballot box may be submitted for the rerun vote. The local election office (LEO) sends the details of voters who have requested a mobile ballot box in the 9 June elections to the National Election Office (NEO), which then enters them on the list of voters who have requested a mobile ballot box.

Voters who are entitled to vote in the rerun shall be informed by the LEO by means of a notice in the usual local manner. The NEO will also send voters an election notice on the date of the rerun and the most important information and deadlines.

By-elections are held in eight municipalities due to a tie in the 9 June elections. The list of municipalities affected by the by-elections is available here. A further 9 municipalities are expected to call by-elections in the coming period, also due to a tie or lack of candidates: Bozsok, Zalaboldogfa, Szijártóháza, Vatta, Mesterháza, Pakod, Pécs (15. SMC), Belsősárd, Újsolt.

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