Election posters to be removed by 9 July

According to the law, posters for the local, minority and European Parliament elections of 9 June 2024 must be removed by 4 p.m. on 9 July. After the deadline, local authorities are responsible for removing election posters and for charging the costs of removal.

Budapest, 26 June 2024 - Pursuant to Paragraph (7) of Article 144 of Act XXXVI of 2013 on Electoral Procedure (hereinafter referred to as the Act), the person who placed the election poster or in whose interest it was placed shall remove it within 30 days of the voting, i.e. by 4 p.m. on 9 July 2024 at the latest.

If the above deadline expires without results and the election posters are not removed, the system of legal remedies provided for in the Act is not suitable for the removal of the unlawful situation, i.e. the election commissions have no competence to decide on the objection submitted due to the non-removal of election posters, and thus no possibility to impose a fine.

The National Electoral Commission issued a guideline on the interpretation of the rules on the removal of election posters in 2014. According to the NEC No. 13/2014 Guideline, local governments have the power to apply legal sanctions in the area of the obligation to remove posters, based on the provisions of Section 13 (1) (2) of Act CLXXXIX of 2011 on Local Governments of Hungary.

On this basis, the removal of election posters after the deadline and the passing on of the costs of removal are the responsibility and competence of local authorities.

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