Heads of the National Election Office

dr. Attila Nagy


Secretariat of the President

telephone: +36-1-795-5827

email: nagy.attila[at]nvi.hu


dr. Gergely Sóskuti-Varga


Secretariat of the President

telephone: +36-1-795-5827

email: soskuti-varga.gergely[at]nvi.hu


dr. Péter Minda


Secretariat of the Vice-President for Financial Management

telephone: +36-1-795-8403

email: minda.peter[at]nvi.hu


dr. Márton Kiss


Secretariat of the Vice-President for IT and Legal Affairs

telephone: +36-1-795-1786

email: kiss.marton[at]nvi.hu


Heads of Departments and Divisions

dr. János Wiedemann

Head of Department

Secretariat to the National Election Commission

telephone: +36-1-795-8408

email: wiedemann.janos[at]nvi.hu


dr. Katalin Kibédi Varga

Head of Department

Head of Department of Press, International Relations and Protocol

telephone: +36-1-896-2098

email: kibedi-makfalvi-varga.katalin[at]nvi.hu

email: sajto[at]nvi.hu


dr. Márta Péter-Delbó

Head of Department

Department of Registration

telephone: +36-1-795-3451

email: peter-delbo.marta[at]nvi.hu


dr. Tamás Mucsi

Head of Department

Department of Organisation

telephone: +36-1-795-3318

email: mucsi.tamas[at]nvi.hu


dr. Mária Tóth

Head of Department

Department of Financial Management

telephone: +36-1-795-1932

email: toth.maria[at]nvi.hu


Erika Palkó

Head of Department

Department of Human Resources

telephone: +36-1-795-8412

email: palko.erika[at]nvi.hu

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