Press releases

By-elections held in twenty-five municipalities
2024. július 17. (szerda)
Twenty-five municipalities will hold by-elections from August, most of which have had to be called because of a tie or a lack of candidates.
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The NEC has established the result of the election of the Mayor of the capital
2024. július 13. (szombat)
Following a recount of the valid votes cast in the election of the mayor of the capital, the National Election Commission has today established the res ...
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NEC decided on the recount of valid votes in the election of the Mayor of Budapest
2024. július 8. (hétfő)
The National Election Commission (NEC) has decided on the method of examining and recounting the valid votes cast in the election of the Mayor of Budap ...
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Members of the European Parliament and national minority representatives elected on 9 June received their credentials
2024. június 28. (péntek)
The President of the National Election Commission, Dr. Róbert Sasvári and the President of the National Election Office, Dr. Attila Nagy handed over th ...
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Election posters to be removed by 9 July
2024. június 27. (csütörtök)
According to the law, posters for the local, minority and European Parliament elections of 9 June 2024 must be removed by 4 p.m. on 9 July. After the d ...
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Reruns in eight municipalities, by-elections in eight others
2024. június 25. (kedd)
Due to infringement of the law in the 9 June 2024 elections, voting will be repeated in several municipalities in early July. Six municipalities have d ...
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The local election offices of Budapest districts have delivered the invalid ballot papers of the election of the Mayor of the capital to the NEO
2024. június 14. (péntek)
In accordance with the decision of the National Election Commission recorded in the minutes of 12 June 2024, the President of the National Election Off ...
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The NEC decided on the recount of invalid votes in the election of the Mayor of the capital
2024. június 12. (szerda)
At its meeting of 12 June 2024, the National Election Commission decided to recount the invalid votes of the 9 June 2024 mayoral election, for which it ...
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Voting closes successfully
2024. június 10. (hétfő)
The 9 June elections to the European Parliament, local government and minority self-government, which will be held in a joint procedure, were a success ...
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9 June - election day
2024. június 6. (csütörtök)
The President of the Republic, Dr. Tamás Sulyok, has set 9 June 2024 as the date for the election of local government representatives and mayors, as we ...
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Election IT rehearsal successfully completed
2024. május 30. (csütörtök)
Voters who are unable to go to the polling station on election day because of ill health, disability or confinement can request a ballot box. The deadl ...
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Even on election day, you can still apply for a mobile ballot box
2024. május 29. (szerda)
Voters who are unable to go to the polling station on election day because of ill health, disability or confinement can request a ballot box. The deadl ...
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Important election deadlines expire on 31 May
2024. május 23. (csütörtök)
On 31 May 2024, a number of deadlines will expire for the 9 June elections to the European Parliament, local government and minority elections. This is ...
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EU citizens' voter registration expires in a week
2024. május 17. (péntek)
EU voters residing in Hungary who wish to vote on Hungarian lists in the European Parliament elections on 9 June have until 24 May 2024 to submit their ...
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The NEO assists the work of the PSCs with training materials
2024. május 9. (csütörtök)
In preparation for the general elections of the European Parliament, local self-government and national minority self-government on 9 June 2024, the Na ...
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One week to go before the deadline for registering to vote by post
2024. május 8. (szerda)
Hungarian voters who do not have an address in Hungary or in any other Member State of the European Union may submit their applications for entry in th ...
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The NEC has drawn lots to determine the order of the national minority lists on the ballot papers
2024. május 7. (kedd)
The National Election Commission has drawn lots to determine the order of the national minority lists which were announced by the deadline on the ballo ...
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NEO information on the lists and recommendation checks for the European Parliament elections
2024. május 6. (hétfő)
For the 2024 general election of the Members of the European Parliament, 16 nominating organisations received nomination forms from the National Electi ...
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The NEC drew lots to determine the order of the EP lists
2024. május 3. (péntek)
The National Election Commission today drew lots to determine the order of the lists on the ballot paper for the election of MEPs. The deadline for reg ...
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Briefing held by the NEO and the NEC for representatives of diplomatic missions
2024. április 29. (hétfő)
The President of the National Election Office and the President of the National Election Commission gave an informative presentation to foreign diploma ...
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Online recommendation checking service available
2024. április 26. (péntek)
With the start of the election campaign period, the "Who did I recommend?" recommendation checker service is once again available to voters. The servic ...
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The campaign starts on Saturday
2024. április 17. (szerda)
On Saturday 20 April 2024, the campaign period for the European Parliament, local government and minority elections begins. It is also the day from whi ...
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Applications for elections can be submitted
2024. április 4. (csütörtök)
In addition to the election applications already available, voters can submit their applications for the absentee voting, mobile ballot box application ...
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The NEO has started mailing the election notices
2024. április 3. (szerda)
The National Election Office has started sending notices of voter registration to voters based on the 3 April electoral roll data. Among other things, ...
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Information on applications for the elections of minority self-governments
2024. április 2. (kedd)
The National Election Commission (NEC) has set the date for the general election of minority self-government representatives for 9 June 2024. Voters wh ...
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Information for voters with disabilities
2024. március 21. (csütörtök)
To ensure the smooth exercise of their electoral rights, voters with disabilities can - in addition to the mobile ballot box - make use of several othe ...
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Information on the reporting obligation of media service providers and press products 
2024. március 12. (kedd)
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New forms and deadlines for the electoral procedure now available
2024. március 12. (kedd)
As of today, nominating organisations can apply for registration for the 2024 general elections at the competent electoral commissions.
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The National Election Office puts a strong emphasis on innovation
2024. március 11. (hétfő)
The National Election Office (NEO) is preparing for the general elections of members of the European Parliament, local government representatives and m ...
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The President of the National Election Office met the representatives of minorities
2024. február 15. (csütörtök)
The President of the National Election Office, Dr. Attila Nagy invited the minority advocates and the presidents of the minority self-governments to an ...
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ODIHR-NEOH follow-up meeting
2023. október 20. (péntek)
After the consultations following the 2022 elections, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has returned to the National ...
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The Venice Commission and the NEO jointly evaluated the elections
2022. december 13. (kedd)
On 12th December, the Venice Commission and the National Election Office (NEO) held a web conference on the experiences of the 2022 general elections a ...
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Press release
2018. május 4. (péntek)
An independent audit concerning the temporary breakdown, on election day, of the website of the National Election Office has ended.
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Press release
2018. április 27. (péntek)
The statement that „several thousands [of people]” have established an address near the border with Ukraine does not agree with the facts. In the settl ...
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